Alessandro Casagrande Foundation

The Foundation was established in 2002, the result of an operation initiated by the Municipal Administration and the Casagrande family in the context of a new cultural strategy, aimed at the growth and enhancement of resources (events, exhibitions, structures) already present on the territory, focusing on the involvement of both public and private bodies involved. Therefore the participation of the Foundation was not a random choice, acting as legal instrument of a new and agile application (registered in the Prefectural Register dated 16/10/2002, at no. 6 – articles of association registered in Terni on 19/3/2002 – repertory no. 22095, collection no. 3022).
Currently the structure of the Foundation is as follows:
FOUNDING MEMBERS: Municipality of Terni – Casagrande Family
INSTITUTIONAL PARTICIPATING MEMBERS: Carit Foundation – Terni Chamber of Commerce – Terni Province
The success of this operation, also supported by the Umbria Region must be mentioned, since a qualitative leap for the  “Alessandro Casagrande” International Piano Competition has been in the offspring for a long time, an innovative boost that also saw a series of parallel initiatives included in this prestigious event, much better known and appreciated abroad than in our town.
The Foundation has also statuary purposes among others, the organization of exhibitions, concerts, masterclass workshops, scholarships, the production of CDs and monographic publications, with particular reference to classical and pianistic music; but the most important activity remains the homonymous International Piano Competition.